Oasys presently offers following wide variety of software under Geotechnical analysis.
Slope- slope stability analysis including reinforcements like nails anchors geotextiles etc
Pile- Geotechnical vertical (tension and compression ) pile capacity and settlement analysis.
Alp- Lateral pile capacity analysis.
Frew- Flexible retaining walls analysis.
Adsec- Reinforcement design of sections under load.
Pdisp- 3D soil settlement analysis and Consolidation analysis ( coming soon )
Xdisp- 3D excavation settlements and building/utility damage assessments.
Greta- soil bearing capacity and gravitycrib gabion retaining wall analysis.
SAFE- 2D FEA analysis for soils and rocks.
Under Structural engineering software following software are avaiable .
GSA- General structural analysis covering analysis of Buildings Bridges Steel structures etc.
Adsec- Adsec- Reinforcement design of sections under load.
ADC- Using this column design software you can analyse and design piles columns beams solid slabs and ribbed slabs straightforward
Compos - Compos is a unique composite beam design software program. No other software enables users to analyse the effects of using the damping systems on composite floors.
Not added
Hyderabad, Telangana